Six Questions with OB/GYN specialist Ngoc Vu, MD

October 21, 2022
Ngoc Vu

Dr. Ngoc (pronounced “knock”) Vu believes in meeting patients wherever they are at in their lives.

“Women often take care of others and neglect their own health,” Dr. Vu says. “I want women to know they have power, and they are valued, so that they care for their health.” Dr. Vu delivers babies in the Birth Center, and cares for women of all ages in the Women's Health Center. 

Dr. Vu answers six questions:

First job? Landscaping. I learned to have a great work ethic and lasting appreciation for the outdoors.

Free time? I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy hiking, camping, fishing, wildlife watching, ice skating, theater, tea, podcasts, poetry, and game night.

Best part of your work? All the profound and cherished moments that I share with my patients, and being a forever student in the field of medicine.

Best advice you've received? It comes from Winnie the Pooh: “A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference.”

Why healthcare? Women’s health is a dynamic and multifaceted field with innumerable emotions and empowerment. The pace is tantalizing: The lull of a quiet clinic day can be interjected with surgeries and deliveries. I like combining medical knowledge and surgical skills to alleviate ailments, while generating novel ideas conducive to enhancing lives, and safely welcoming new ones to the world.

If not healthcare, what would you be doing? I’d be an advocacy journalist. 

Appointments in the Women's Health Center: 507-646-1478

Learn more about Dr. Vu.